How do I answer an assessment request?
There are three types of assessment requests: company, product, and site. The type of assessment can be identified in the top left corner of the assessment cover page.
If you receive an assessment with segments or the ownership page, you may need to answer and forward the assessment to your suppliers. Read the article on multi-tier to learn how to answer a multi-tier assessment.
There are three steps to completing an assessment on SupplyShift:
View additional instructions to choose products or sites if you've received a product or site assessment.
Review the cover page
- Locate the menu on the left-side of your screen
- Click Engagement and then select Responses from the expanded menu.
- Select the Filter icon
to organize assessments by status or search for a specific request.
- Select a non-submitted assessment to answer.
Figure 1. Assessment responses page.
- Review the Cover page.
Review the due date of the assessment.
Make note of the reporting period above the name of the assessment. You should provide answers relevant to those dates.
Figure 2. Company assessment cover page displaying guidance documents.
- Review all guidance documents before answering the assessment.
Click the document link to access the guidance document(s).
A document downloads to your desktop. You can reference that document while answering the assessment.
- Click the envelope in the upper left-hand corner if you need to send an email to the assessment sender.
Click Continue.
The Answer page is displayed with the assessment.
Now, you are ready to answer each indicator in the assessment. Your responses are saved automatically as you progress through the assessment.
You can view your progress, displayed as a percentage, in the progress wheel at the top of the left menu.
If you have received a company-level assessment, skip to this section. If you received a site or product assessment, follow below!
Choose your products or sites
The answering page for site and product level assessments requires you to select sites or products that are relevant to the indicators in this assessment.
Figure 3. No products listed.
- Check or un-check product(s) or sites(s) to respond to in this assessment in the Your sites menu.
Click ADD if you do not see sites or products for which to answer.
Visit the manage sites article to learn more.
- Click Continue.
In the top bar drop-down, select a product or site for which to answer.
You need to answer the assessment separately for each site or product. To learn how to preload site and product responses to reduce the amount of time responding, click here.
If you need to add or remove a product, click back until you reach the beginning of the Answering page and the Your sites menu.
Figure 4. Site assessment with an example of selected sites in the app bar drop-down.
You have completed adding your sites or products! Next, follow the steps below.
Answer indicators
Click on a section title to open and close that section.
All the indicator titles in that section are displayed.
Click on an indicator to open and close that indicator.
You can also select Show all indicator detail below the section title to open all the indicators in that section.
Answer all indicators.
Indicators may hide or display depending on their relevance to you.
To add comments, upload documentation, or assign answerers, click the three-dot menu icon in the indicator.
Visit this article for more guidance.
Figure 5. Company assessment indicator view.
Click Import in the top right corner to import your data.
For more guidance on how to import your responses, click here.
Submit and review
After responses have been provided, you need to click Submit to send your responses to the requesting buyer.
Click Submit, in the bottom-right corner, when you have answered all the indicators in the assessment.
The Confirm response dialog is displayed.
Figure 6. Confirm response dialog.
If you have not answered some indicators, a dialog box is displayed with a list of all unanswered indicators. Select an indicator from the list to go directly to that indicator.
You cannot submit the assessment without answering indicators that are marked as Required.
- Click Submit again once all indicators are answered.
Click Done.
The Review page is displayed to provide a summary of the completed assessment.
You cannot edit your answers after submitting the assessment.
Figure 7. Assessment review page.
Review answers
Although you cannot change your answers after submission, you can review them.
Click Back in the bottom right-hand corner to review the assessment.
The Answering page is displayed.
- If you answered a site or product level assessment, review each tab.
- Click Continue to return to the Review page.
Congratulations! You have completed and submitted an assessment request. For more information on next steps, reach out to the requesting buyer.